Context-Specific Network Modeling Identifies New Crosstalk In Beta-Adrenergic Cardiac Hypertrophy


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Cardiac hypertrophy is a context-dependent phenomenon wherein a myriad of biochemical and biomechanical factors regulate myocardial growth through a complex large-scale signaling network. Although numerous studies have investigated hypertrophic signaling pathways, less is known about hypertrophy signaling as a whole network and how this network acts in a context-dependent manner. Here, we developed a systematic approach, CLASSED (Context-specific Logic-bASed Signaling nEtwork Development), to revise a large-scale signaling model based on context-specific data and identify main reactions and new crosstalks regulating context-specific response. CLASSED involves four sequential stages with an automated validation module as a core which builds a logic-based ODE model from the interaction graph and outputs the model validation percent. The context-specific model is developed by estimation of default parameters, classified qualitative validation, hybrid Morris-Sobol global sensitivity analysis, and discovery of missing context-dependent crosstalks. Applying this pipeline to our prior-knowledge hypertrophy network with context-specific data revealed key signaling reactions which distinctly regulate cell response to isoproterenol, phenylephrine, angiotensin II and stretch. Furthermore, with CLASSED we developed a context-specific model of beta-adrenergic cardiac hypertrophy. The model predicted new crosstalks between calcium/calmodulin-dependent pathways and upstream signaling of Ras in the ISO-specific context. Experiments in cardiomyocytes validated the model's predictions on the role of CaMKII-G beta gamma and CaN-G beta gamma interactions in mediating hypertrophic signals in ISO-specific context and revealed a difference in the phosphorylation magnitude and translocation of ERK1/2 between cardiac myocytes and fibroblasts. CLASSED is a systematic approach for developing context-specific large-scale signaling networks, yielding insights into new-found crosstalks in beta-adrenergic cardiac hypertrophy.Author summaryPathological cardiac hypertrophy is a disease in which the heart grows abnormally in response to different motivators such as high blood pressure or variations in hormones and growth factors. The shape of the heart after its growth depends on the context in which it grows. Since cell signaling in the cardiac cells plays a key role in the determination of heart shape, a thorough understanding of cardiac cells signaling in each context enlightens the mechanisms which control response of cardiac cells. However, cell signaling in cardiac hypertrophy comprises a complex web of pathways with numerous interactions, and predicting how these interactions control the hypertrophic signal in each context is not achievable by only experiments or general computational models. To address this need, we developed an approach to bring together the experimental data of each context with a signaling network curated from literature to identify the main players of cardiac cells response in each context and attain the context-specific models of cardiac hypertrophy. By utilizing our approach, we identified the main regulators of cardiac hypertrophy in four important contexts. We developed a network model of beta-adrenergic cardiac hypertrophy, and predicted and validated new interactions that regulate cardiac cells response in this context.
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