The Hitomi (ASTRO-H) Hard X-ray Telescope (HXT) : current status of calibration

Proceedings of SPIE(2017)

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The Japanese X-ray Astronomy Satellite, Hitomi (ASTRO-H) carried two hard X-ray telescopes (HXT), covering the energy band from 5 keV to 80 keV. In the initial functional verification phase of the onboard instruments, G21.5-0.9 and Crab nebula were observed with HXT. The data of G21.5-0.9 observation indicated that the hard X-ray imaging system worked well. Detail calibration of the Hitomi HXTs was performed with the observation data of Crab nebula. We extracted X-ray images of the Crab pulsar excluding the nebular emission, and continued that the imaging perfounance in orbit was satisfied with the requirement of the HXT. The 8-80 keV Crab spectrum was well fitted with a power-law model with the absorbed column of N-H=3 x 10(21) cm(-2). The estimated photon index of 2.122 0.003 was consistent with previous results of Crab observation, while the observed 2-10 keV flux of 2.3x10-8 erg s(-1) cm(-2) was slightly larger than the previous observation. We note that there was discrepancy between the simulated and the measured effective area on ground. Thus, we introduced a fudge factor to reproduce the effective area obtained in the ground calibration. The fudge factor of HXTs are included in the latest calibration database of Hitomi.
Hard X-rays,hard X-ray telescope,multilayer,depth-graded multilayer,ASTRO-H,HXT
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