Controlling the Motion of Solitons in 1-D Magnonic Crystal

AIP Conference Proceedings(2018)

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We investigate nonlinear localized magnetic excitations in a simple form of one dimensional magnonic crystal by considering a ferromagnetic medium under periodic applied magnetic field of spatially varying strength. The governing Landau-Lifshitz equation is transformed into nonlinear evolution equation of a complex function through stereographic projection technique. The associated evolution equation numerically solved by using split-step Fourier method (SSFM). From the obtained results it is observed that the excitations appear in the form of solitons and the periodic magnetic field of spatially varying strength perturbs the soliton propagation. Bright and dark soliton solutions arc constructed and studied the effect of tuning the strength of spatially periodic applied magnetic field on the nonlinear excitation of magnetization. The results show that the amplitude and velocity of the soliton can be effectively managed by varying the strength of spatially periodic applied magnetic field and it act as periodic potential which provides an additional degree of freedom to control the nature of soliton propagation in a ferromagnetic medium,
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