Comparative effects of Moringa oleifera powder and soybean meal on the zootechnical parameters of the ISA Brown pullet

International Journal of Livestock Production(2020)

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Poultry farming is an important sector of the Beninese agriculture. But this sector is facing economic difficulties. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of Moringa oleifera powder and soybean meal on zootechnical parameters in the ISA Brown pullet. For this purpose, the experiment was carried out on a total of 250 day-old chicks with an initial average weight of 40 ± 1 g. Among these chicks, 25 subjects were used for the digestibility test and the rest were grouped into cinq (05) batches of 45 chicks fed with different rations. The test lasted 56 days. The apparent digestibility of the dry matter varied significantly from 50.0 ± 9.18 to 50.42 ± 16.11 at the 5% threshold between the different batches. Feed consumption of chicks of the different experimental batches did not show any significant variation, while for the feed conversion rate, weight gain and average daily gain, most averages vary significantly between batches and weeks. It brings out that M. oleifera powder improves the feed conversion and growth rates of ISA Brown pullets fed with a feed containing M. oleifera powder at different incorporation rates.\r\n\r\n\tKey words: Moringa oleifera, soybean, ISA Brown laying hens, zootechnical parameters.
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