Demographic, Social, and Personal Factors Associated With Lactation Cessation by 6 Weeks in Mothers of Very Low Birth Weight Infants.


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BACKGROUND:Although mother's own milk decreases prematurity-associated morbidities, mothers of infants born preterm and very low birth weight experience a significantly shorter lactation duration. Little is known regarding factors associated with lactation cessation during the hospitalization of a very low birth weight infant. RESEARCH AIM:To determine demographic, social, and personal factors associated with lactation cessation by 6-weeks postpartum in mothers delivering very low birth weight infants. METHODS:We used a retrospective, longitudinal, two-group comparison design using data from a randomized control study. Mothers of very low birth weight infants (N = 142) were enrolled from a labor and delivery unit associated with a Level 4 neonatal intensive care unit. Demographic, social, and health information was obtained from the medical records. Participants were surveyed regarding lactation goals, experience, and reason(s) for cessation. RESULTS:Participants who did not continue lactating for more than 6 weeks were more likely to be unemployed (p = .019), Medicaid eligible (p = .009), less educated (p < .031), smoke (p = .002), provide less skin-to-skin care (p = .007), and to delay the decision to provide their milk to their infant (p = .007). After Bonferroni adjustment, only minutes of skin-to-skin care remained statistically significant. Insufficient maternal milk production was the most common reason for lactation cessation. CONCLUSION:While the etiology of lactation cessation is often non-modifiable, strategies aimed at maintaining mother's own milk production, smoking cessation, increasing skin-to-skin care, and promoting an earlier decision to lactate, may prolong lactation duration in this vulnerable population.This RCT was registered (2012-00071) with on 6/28/2013.
breastfeeding, breast pumping, human milk expression, Multiple Affect Adjective Checklist-Revised (MAACL-R), prematurity
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