Architecture of the Proposed Cloud Application Platform Monitor

Hiranya Jayathilaka,Wei-Tsung Lin, Chandra Krintz,Rich Wolski, Michael Xie


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Over the last decade Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) has become a popular approach for deploying applications in the cloud. Many organizations, academic institutions, and hobbyists make use of public and/or private PaaS clouds to deploy their applications. PaaS clouds provide a high level of abstraction to the application developer that effectively hides all the infrastructure-level details such as physical resource allocation (CPU, memory, disk etc), operating system, and network configuration. This enables application developers to focus solely on the programming aspects of their applications, without having to be concerned about deployment issues. PaaS clouds execute web-accessible (HTTP/s) applications, to which they provide high levels of scalability, availability, and execution management. PaaS clouds provide scalability by automatically allocating resources for applications on the fly (auto scaling), and provide availability through the execution of multiple instances of the application and/or the PaaS services they employ for their functionality. Consequently, viable PaaS technologies as well as PaaS-enabled applications continue to increase rapidly in number. This rapid growth in PaaS technology has intensified the need for new techniques to monitor applications deployed in a PaaS cloud. Application developers and users wish to monitor the availability of the deployed applications, track application performance, and detect application and system anomalies as they occur. To obtain this level of deep operational insight into
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