Verifying PCTL Specifications on Markov Decision Processes via Reinforcement Learning


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There is a growing literature on verifying temporal logic specifications using reinforcement learning on probabilistic systems with nondeterministic actions, e.g., Markov Decision Processes (MDPs), with unknown transition probabilities. In those works, the optimal policy for the satisfaction probability of a temporal logic specification is learned by optimizing a corresponding reward structure on a product MDP, derived by combining the dynamics of the initial MDP and that of the automata realizing the specification. In this work, we propose a new reinforcement learning method without using the product MDP technique to avoid the expansion of the state space. Specifically, we consider a variant of Probabilistic Computation Tree Logic (PCTL) that includes the (bounded and unbounded) until and release operators and allows reasoning over maximal/minimal satisfaction probability. This logic is verified on MDPs whose states are labeled deterministically by a set of atomic propositions. We first consider PCTL formulas with non-nested probability operators. For non-nested bounded-time PCTL specification, we use an upper-confidence-bound (UCB) Q-learning method to learn the optimal satisfaction probability of interest. The Q-learning is performed inductively on the time horizon, since the corresponding optimal policy can be memory-dependent. Then, we show that the verification technique for non-nested bounded-time specifications can be extended to handle non-nested unbounded-time specifications by finding a proper truncation time. To verify a nested PCTL specifications, a hierarchy of optimal policies corresponding to the nesting structure of the specifications is engaged; we propose a hierarchical Q-learning method to learn those policies simultaneously. Finally, we evaluate the proposed method on several case studies.
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