Vibrio cholerae O 1 Isolate with Novel Genetic Background , Thailand – Myanmar

Philippe Biagini,Sandra Bédarida, Mhammed Touinssi, Philippe de Micco


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regions would be conserved differently must be considered. It is probable that subsequent sequences of HGyVs remain to be identified in human blood. A recent study reported the characterization of a highly divergent GyV sequence (GyV4) in human fecal samples and chicken meat (7); as with avian GyV2 and GyV3, further research is needed to determine whether this variant replicates in the human body or is solely ingested in food and passively excreted. A better knowledge of the genetic diversity of these newly discovered viruses will enable development of improved molecular detection systems and their subsequent use in epidemiologic studies involving diverse human cohorts. The potential clinical importance of HGyVs remains to be clarified. Although infection with CAV in birds is frequently associated with clinical signs and disease, the presence of HGyVs in immunocompromised or immunocompetent humans does not appear to be correlated with visible symptoms. Further studies of the natural history and distribution of HGyVs in human hosts are needed.
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