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Åsa Cajander,Mats Daniels,Cary Laxer,Anne-Kathrin Peters, Mathias Ahonen, Olof Drevin, Marcus Enderskog, Douglas Ferreira Nogueura, Christo er Hamberg,Nanna Kjellin Lagerqvist, Magnus Larsson, Yann Pichon,Henrik Sohlberg, Corey Vatter, Mark Wlodarski


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Chronic diseases are an increasing problem in society. This is both due to a change in demographics, with an increasing older population, as well as lifestyle related diseases a ecting younger generations. SmartCare is a European project with the purpose to develop integrated care services delivered with help of information and communication technologies. The goal of the HOME project is to explore SmartCare from a holistic view on request of Uppsala County Council. This is achieved through an international collaboration between students at Uppsala University and Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. When exploring the possibilities for a new system it is important to include the user perspective. In the HOME project that has been done through interviews with potential private and professional users as well as field studies with the purpose of understanding how usability can be achieved when integrating technology in medical care. These studies resulted in four personas, which can be used to visualize the system. The result found was that motivation matters far more than expected. When integrating technology in medical care, it is not enough to make a system user-friendly, focus also has to lie on usability. The results show that a system has to make work easier for medical professionals in order to motivate usage. The behavioral and motivational studies done in the HOME project also show that technology itself will not make the private user change his or her lifestyle. Therefore technology has to support greater sources of motivation such as a close dialogue with medical personnel, setting up goals for improving lifestyle and getting feedback for improved results. These results were found through studies made locally in the Uppsala municipality. In order to give more general recommendations applicable to the whole EU, a broader study must be made. However, the conclusions regarding motivation and user involvement in the development process is not uniquely representative for Uppsala or Sweden and could serve as guidelines for the whole SmartCare project.
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