Manifold Alignment for Semantically Aligned Style Transfer.


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Given a content image and a style image, the goal of style transfer is to synthesize an output image by transferring the target style to the content image. Currently, most of the methods address the problem with global style transfer, assuming styles can be represented by global statistics, such as Gram matrices or covariance matrices. In this paper, we make a different assumption that local semantically aligned (or similar) regions between the content and style images should share similar style patterns. Based on this assumption, content features and style features are seen as two sets of manifolds and a manifold alignment based style transfer (MAST) method is proposed. MAST is a subspace learning method which learns a common subspace of the content and style features. In the common subspace, content and style features with larger feature similarity or the same semantic meaning are forced to be close. The learned projection matrices are added with orthogonality constraints so that the mapping can be bidirectional, which allows us to project the content features into the common subspace, and then into the original style space. By using a pre-trained decoder, promising stylized images are obtained. The method is further extended to allow users to specify corresponding semantic regions between content and style images or using semantic segmentation maps as guidance. Extensive experiments show the proposed MAST achieves appealing results in style transfer.
Image and video synthesis
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