The Java Pathfinder Workshop 2019

Special Interest Group on Software Engineering(2020)

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Java Path nder (JPF) was originally developed as an explicit- state software model checker, and subsequently evolved into an extensible Java bytecode analysis framework that has been suc- cessfully used to implement techniques such as symbolic and con- colic execution, compositional veri cation, parallel execution, in- cremental program analysis, and many more. To share recent research progress with JPF and related tools among the community, we have organized the annual JPF work- shop with the Automated Software Engineering Conference (ASE) 2019, held in San Diego, California, USA. We invited submissions about on-going and existing research, experience, and position papers on topics (1) related to JPF, its extensions and applica- tions in various domains; and (2) Java/Android program analysis in general. This paper gives an overview of all presentations and papers of the workshop, as well the results of the discussions.
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