Makorin 1 controls embryonic patterning by alleviating Bruno1-mediated repression of oskar translation.


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Makorins are evolutionary conserved proteins that contain C3H-type zinc finger modules and a RING E3 ubiquitin ligase domain. In Drosophila, maternal Makorin 1 (Mkrn1) has been linked to embryonic patterning but the mechanism remained unsolved. Here, we show that Mkrn1 is essential for axis specification and pole plasm assembly by translational activation of oskar (osk). We demonstrate that Mkrn1 interacts with poly(A) binding protein (pAbp) and binds specifically to osk 3' UTR in a region adjacent to A-rich sequences. Using Drosophila S2R+ cultured cells we show that this binding site overlaps with a Bruno1 (Bru1) responsive element (BREs) that regulates osk translation. We observe increased association of the translational repressor Bru1 with osk mRNA upon depletion of Mkrn1, indicating that both proteins compete for osk binding. Consistently, reducing Bru1 dosage partially rescues viability and Osk protein level in ovaries from Mkrn1 females. We conclude that Mkrn1 controls embryonic patterning and germ cell formation by specifically activating osk translation, most likely by competing with Bru1 to bind to osk 3' UTR. Author summary To ensure accurate development of the Drosophila embryo, proteins and mRNAs are positioned at specific sites within the embryo. Many of these factors are produced and localized during the development of the egg in the mother. One protein essential for this process that has been heavily studied is Oskar (Osk), which is positioned at the posterior pole. During the localization of osk mRNA, its translation is repressed by the RNA-binding protein Bruno1 (Bru1), ensuring that Osk protein is not present outside of the posterior where it is harmful. At the posterior pole, osk mRNA is activated through mechanisms that are not yet understood. In this work, we show that the conserved protein Makorin 1 (Mkrn1) is a novel factor involved in the translational activation of osk. Mkrn1 binds specifically to osk mRNA, overlapping with a binding site of Bru1, thus alleviating the association of Bru1 with osk. Moreover, Mkrn1 is stabilized by poly(A) binding protein (pAbp), a translational activator that binds osk mRNA in close proximity to one Mkrn1 binding site. Our work thus helps to answer a long-standing question in the field, providing insight about the function of Mkrn1 and more generally into embryonic patterning in animals.
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