
P.167: A Survey Towards Xenotransplantation among Iranian Transplantation Professionals, Religious Experts, Lawmakers and Waiting List Patients.


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SBMU.OPU. Research group. Background: Rate of organ donation and transplantation in Iran has been gradually increased from the dawn of transplantation. Despite legalization and organization of the activities in late 1990th, there was a great gap between supply and demand. Family consent rate was just 3.4% in the capital. This was mainly due to lack of social awareness and effective interaction with religious leaders by transplant professionals both before and after legalization and also the start of procurement practice. Although xenotransplantation for organs looks very distant to start in the Islamic or developing countries, no one can deny the urge and possibility for it in the future as the top religious leaders (Maraje and Mofties) don’t prohibit it. At the basic science level there has been massive progress as high as to experimental phases in addition to usage of tissue products. Methods: With the experience of deceased organ donation and transplantation in mind, we have run a survey among transplant professionals, religious experts, national parliament lawmakers (not physician) and waiting list patients of variant organs regarding possibility of xenotransplantation and acceptance of organs or tissues obtained this way. 4 questions were applied in the questionnaire which was handed to volunteers belonging to above categories. However, they were told in advance that the survey was about ‘‘health related issues’’ in order to prevent bias for case selection: 1- Are you familiar with the concept of xenotransplantation? 2- In your point of view is it possible in the future to obtain organs from healthy animals that have been raised for the specific target? 3- What do you know about the regulations regarding xenotransplantation in Iran? Does it say yes or no? 4- What do you think about the Islamic laws and recommendations regarding xenotransplantation in Iran? Do they ban the treatment or let it happen when necessary? 5- Are you eager that you or your family members receive such organs if otherwise there is no choice? Results: Table 1 summarizes findings from questionnaires. In every group, 200 random individuals included. Mean age of participants, socioeconomic status and educational levels were of course different among groups. By analysis we have witnessed striking results especially from waiting list patients. Conclusions: the results of the study reminds us the first yeas of deceased organ transplantation program after legalization. Looks like we have a lot to do before establishment of the xenotransplantation program in social awareness filed. References: 1. Mojtabaee M, Ghorbani F, Mohsenzadeh M, Beigee FS. Update on causes of family refusal for organ donation and the related factors: Reporting the changes over 6 years. Transplantation proceedings 2018 Jan 1 (Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 10-13). Elsevier.
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