Concrete bridge surface damage detection using a single‐stage detector


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AbstractAbstractEarly and timely detection of surface damages is important for maintaining the functionality, reliability, and safety of concrete bridges. Recent advancement in convolution neural network has enabled the development of deep learning‐based visual inspection techniques for detecting multiple structural damages. However, most deep learning‐based techniques are built on two‐stage, proposal‐driven detectors using less complex image data, which could be restricted for practical applications and possible integration within intelligent autonomous inspection systems. In this study, a faster, simpler single‐stage detector is proposed based on a real‐time object detection technique, You Only Look Once (YOLOv3), for detecting multiple concrete bridge damages. A field inspection images dataset labeled with four types of concrete damages (crack, pop‐out, spalling, and exposed rebar) is used for training and testing of YOLOv3. To enhance the detection accuracy, the original YOLOv3 is further improved by introducing a novel transfer learning method with fully pretrained weights from a geometrically similar dataset. Batch renormalization and focal loss are also incorporated to increase the accuracy. Testing results show that the improved YOLOv3 has a detection accuracy of up to 80% and 47% at the Intersection‐over‐Union (IoU) metrics of 0.5 and 0.75, respectively. It outperforms the original YOLOv3 and the two‐stage detector Faster Region‐based Convolutional Neural Network (Faster R‐CNN) with ResNet‐101, especially for the IoU metric of 0.75.
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