Flow Regime Recognition and Dynamic Characteristics Analysis of Air-Water Flow in Horizontal Channel under Nonlinear Oscillation Based on Multi-Scale Entropy.


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Gas-liquid two-phase flow behavior in horizontal channel under heaving motion showed unique dynamic characteristics due to the complex nonlinear interaction. To further establish a description model and investigate the effects of heaving motion on horizontal gas-liquid flow, experiments in a wide range of vibration parameters and working conditions were carried out by combining vibration platform with two-phase flow loop. It was found that the flow regimes under heaving motion showed significant differences compared to the ones expected in steady state flow under the same working conditions. Increasing vibration parameters showed an obvious impact on fluctuation degree of gas-liquid interface by visualizing high-speed photographs. A method based on multi-scale entropy was applied to identify flow regimes and reveal the underlying dynamic characteristics by collecting signals of pressure-difference. The results indicated that the proposed method was effective to analyze gas-liquid two-phase flow transition in horizontal channel under heaving motion by incorporating information of flow condition and change rate of multi-scale entropy, which provided a reliable guide for flow pattern control design and safe operation of equipment. However, for slug-wave and boiling wave flow, an innovative method based on multi-scale marginal spectrum entropy showed more feasible for identification of transition boundary.
gas-liquid two-phase flow,heaving motion,multi-scale entropy
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