HashGraph—Scalable Hash Tables Using a Sparse Graph Data Structure

ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing(2021)

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AbstractIn this article, we introduce HashGraph, a new scalable approach for building hash tables that uses concepts taken from sparse graph representations—hence, the name HashGraph. HashGraph introduces a new way to deal with hash-collisions that does not use “open-addressing” or “separate-chaining,” yet it has the benefits of both these approaches. HashGraph currently works for static inputs. Recent progress with dynamic graph data structures suggests that HashGraph might be extendable to dynamic inputs as well. We show that HashGraph can deal with a large number of hash values per entry without loss of performance. Last, we show a new querying algorithm for value lookups. We experimentally compare HashGraph to several state-of-the-art implementations and find that it outperforms them on average 2× when the inputs are unique and by as much as 40× when the input contains duplicates. The implementation of HashGraph in this article is for NVIDIA GPUs. HashGraph can build a hash table at a rate of 2.5 billion keys per second on a NVIDIA GV100 GPU and can query at nearly the same rate.
Hash table, graph data structure, sparse data structures
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