Novel cytokinetic ring components limit RhoA activity and contractility


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Actomyosin cortical contractility drives many cell shape changes including cytokinetic furrowing. While positive regulation of contractility is well characterized, counterbalancing negative regulation and mechanical brakes are less well understood. The small GTPase RhoA is a central regulator, activating cortical actomyosin contractility during cytokinesis and other events. Here we report how two novel cytokinetic ring components, GCK-1 and CCM-3, participate in a negative feedback loop among RhoA and its cytoskeletal effectors to inhibit contractility. GCK-1 and CCM-3 are recruited by active RhoA and anillin to the cytokinetic ring, where they in turn limit RhoA activity and contractility. This is evidenced by increased RhoA activity, anillin and non-muscle myosin II in the cytokinetic ring, and faster cytokinetic furrowing, following depletion of GCK-1 or CCM-3. GCK-1 or CCM-3 depletion also reduced RGA-3 levels in pulses, and increased baseline RhoA activity and pulsed contractility during zygote polarization. Together, our findings suggest that GCK-1 and CCM-3 regulate cortical actomyosin contractility via negative feedback.
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