A Novel Method of Hyperspectral Data Classification Based on Transfer Learning and Deep Belief Network


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The classification of hyperspectral data using deep learning methods can obtain better results than the previous shallow classifiers, but deep learning algorithms have some limitations. These algorithms require a large amount of data to train the network, while also needing a certain amount of labeled data to fine-tune the network. In this paper, we propose a new hyperspectral data processing method based on transfer learning and the deep learning method. First, we use a hyperspectral data set that is similar to the target data set to pre-train the deep learning network. Then, we use the transfer learning method to find the common features of the source domain data and target domain data. Second, we propose a model structure that combines the deep transfer learning model to utilize a combination of spatial information and spectral information. Using transfer learning, we can obtain the spectral features. Then, we obtain several principal components of the target data. These will be regarded as the spatial features of the target domain data, and we use the joint features for the classifier. The data are obtained from a hyperspectral public database. Using the same amount of data, our method based on transfer learning and deep belief network obtains better classification accuracy in a shorter amount of time.
hyperspectral data,deep learning,transfer learning,DBN
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