Smart-Grid-Aware Load Regulation of Multiple Datacenters towards the Variable Generation of Renewable Energy


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Recently, as renewable and distributed power sources boost, many such resources are integrated into the smart grid as a clean energy input. However, since the generation of renewable energy is intermittent and unstable, the smart grid needs to regulate the load to maintain stability after integrating the renewable energy source. At the same time, with the development of cloud computing, large-scale datacenters are becoming potentially controllable loads for the smart grid due to their high energy consumption. In this paper, we propose an appropriate approach to dynamically adjust the datacenter load to balance the unstable renewable energy input into the grid. This could meet the demand response requirements by taking advantage of the variable power consumption of datacenters. We have examined the scenarios of one or more datacenters being integrated into the grid and adopted a stochastic algorithm to solve the problem we established. The experimental results illustrated that the dynamic load management of multiple datacenters could help the smart grid to reduce losses and thus save operational costs. Besides, we also analyzed the impact of the flexibility and the delay of datacenter actions, which could be applied to more general scenarios in realistic environments. Furthermore, considering the impact of the action delay, we employed a forecasting method to predict renewable energy generation in advance to eliminate the extra losses brought by the delay as much as possible. By predicting solar power generation, the improved results showed that the proposed method was effective and feasible under both sunny and cloudy/rainy/snowy weather conditions.
renewable energy,load regulation,datacenter,smart grid,demand response
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