Magnetic field-induced electronic phase transition in the Dirac semimetal state of black phosphorus under pressure

Science Bulletin(2018)

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Different instabilities have been confirmed to exist in the three-dimensional (3D) electron gas when it is confined to the lowest Landau level in the extreme quantum limit. The recently discovered 3D topological semimetals offer a good platform to explore these phenomena due to the small sizes of their Fermi pockets, which means the quantum limit can be achieved at relatively low magnetic fields. In this work, we report the high-magnetic-field transport properties of the Dirac semimetal state in pressurized black phosphorus. Under applied hydrostatic pressure, the band structure of black phosphorus goes through an insulator-semimetal transition. In the high pressure topological semimetal phase, anomalous behaviors are observed on both magnetoresistance and Hall resistivity beyond the relatively low quantum limit field, which is demonstrated to indicate the emergence of an exotic electronic state hosting a density wave ordering. Our findings bring the first insight into the electronic interactions in black phosphorus under intense field.
Black phosphorus,High magnetic field,Quantum limit,Electron phase transition
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