Room temperature 2D memristive transistor with optical short-term plasticity

2017 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM)(2017)

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Memristive devices with short-term plasticity (STP), gate tunability, site controllability, and light sensitivity have generated significant interest for wide range of applications, especially mimicking the neural network. However, there is still no memristive device that can accomplish all those goals in tandem at room temperature. To fill that void, in this work, lT-phase quantum dot superlattice is created on 2H-phase monolayer single crystal molybdenum disulfide (MoS 2 ) back-gated field-effect transistor by focused electron beam irradiation. The quantum dots work as charge traps that induce memristive resistance. The memristive resistance can be controlled by applying gate bias and shows STP to light stimulation. Thus, this work demonstrates the first room temperature light sensitive memristive transistor that can serve as artificial retina device for artificial intelligence, and memristive receiver for optical-electrical neuromorphic interface.
neural network,memristive device,lT-phase quantum dot superlattice,2H-phase monolayer single crystal molybdenum disulfide,field-effect transistor,focused electron beam irradiation,quantum dots work,memristive resistance,gate bias,STP,light stimulation,room temperature light sensitive memristive transistor,artificial retina device,memristive receiver,room temperature 2D memristive transistor,short-term plasticity,gate tunability,site controllability,light sensitivity,optical-electrical neuromorphic interface,temperature 293 K to 298 K,MoS2
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