An Empirical Analysis on the Transfer of Social Capital to the Employment Information of Migrant Workers

DEStech Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering(2017)

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Under the new normal conditions, the increase of the economic downward pressure, workersu0027 urbanization are faced with more difficulties, which makes the importance and urgency of the employment of workers further prominent. The lack of employment information is migrant workers employment problem one of the reasons. Based on the data of Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS2012), this paper analyzes the influence of workers u0027social capital on the information of workersu0027 employment opportunities, and puts forward the way of obtaining the information of workers under the influence of social capital. Through the analysis of the two logistic regression models, the three factors of social network size, network intensity and social trust have significant influence on the employment information of workers. By expanding the social network size of workers, to enhance the social network of interactive exchanges and strengthen social trust and other means, is conducive to the establishment of workers between the information transmission relationship.
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