Modeling functional enrichment improves polygenic prediction accuracy in UK Biobank and 23andMe data sets


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Genetic variants in functional regions of the genome are enriched for complex trait heritability. Here, we introduce a new method for polygenic prediction, LDpred-funct, that leverages trait-specific functional enrichments to increase prediction accuracy. We fit priors using the recently developed baseline-LD model, which includes coding, conserved, regulatory and LD-related annotations. We analytically estimate posterior mean causal effect sizes and then use cross-validation to regularize these estimates, improving prediction accuracy for sparse architectures. LDpred-funct attained higher prediction accuracy than other polygenic prediction methods in simulations using real genotypes. We applied LDpred-funct to predict 16 highly heritable traits in the UK Biobank. We used association statistics from British-ancestry samples as training data (avg N=365K) and samples of other European ancestries as validation data (avg N=22K), to minimize confounding. LDpred-funct attained a +27% relative improvement in prediction accuracy (avg prediction R 2 =0.173; highest R 2 =0.417 for height) compared to existing methods that do not incorporate functional information, consistent with simulations. For height, meta-analyzing training data from UK Biobank and 23andMe cohorts (total N=1107K; higher heritability in UK Biobank cohort) increased prediction R 2 to 0.429. Our results show that modeling functional enrichment substantially improves polygenic prediction accuracy, bringing polygenic prediction of complex traits closer to clinical utility.
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