Correction: The induction of core pluripotency master regulators in cancers defines poor clinical outcomes and treatment resistance

A. C. Hepburn, R. E. Steele, R. Veeratterapillay,L. Wilson, E. E. Kounatidou,A. Barnard,P. Berry, J. R. Cassidy, M. Moad, A. El-Sherif,L. Gaughan,I. G. Mills,C. N. Robson,R. Heer


Cited 61|Views39
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The original version of this article contained an error in Fig. 5a where the colours of the labels representing the Hinge and LBD of the AR were incorrect and did not match the corresponding exons. The corrected version of this Figure now appears in the article. The conclusions of this paper were not affected. The authors apologise for this error and any confusion caused.
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Medicine/Public Health,general,Internal Medicine,Cell Biology,Human Genetics,Oncology,Apoptosis
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