Microstructure visualization of conventional outflow pathway and finite element modeling analysis of trabecular meshwork

Biomedical engineering online(2016)

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Background The intraocular pressure (IOP) is maintained through a dynamic equilibrium between the production and drainage of aqueous humor. Elevation of intraocular pressure is mainly caused by the blocking of aqueous humor outflow pathway. Therefore, it is particularly important to study the structure of drainage pathway and the effect of ocular hypertension at the process of aqueous humor outflow. Methods Conventional drainage pathway of aqueous humor, including trabecular meshwork (TM), Schlemm’s canal (SC) and aqueous vein, were imaged by using trans-scleral imaging method with lateral resolution of 2 μm. For quantitative assessment, the morphological parameters of the TM were measured with different IOP levels via a combination of measurements and simulations. Results Images of the TM and the adjacent tissues were obtained. The porosity of TM with normal intraocular pressure varies from 0.63 to 0.74 as the depth increases, while in high IOP it is changed from 0.44 to 0.59. The diameter of aqueous vein varies from 32 to 43 μm, and is smaller than that of SC, which varies from 48 to 64.67 μm. Conclusions Our research provides a non-contact method to visualize the microstructure of tissue for clinical examination associated with the blocking of the outflow pathway of aqueous humor in humans. The three-dimensional (3D) microstructures of limbus and the results of finite element modeling analysis of the TM model will serve for the future evaluation of new glaucoma surgical techniques.
3D reconstruction,Conventional outflow pathway,Finite element modeling,Porosity,Trans-scleral imaging method
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