JAK/STAT signaling prevents excessive apoptosis to ensure maintenance of the interfollicular stalk critical for Drosophila oogenesis.

Developmental Biology(2018)

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Apoptosis not only eliminates cells that are damaged or dangerous but also cells whose function during development in patterning or organogenesis is complete. The successful formation of germ cells is essential for the perpetuation of a species. The production of an oocyte often depends on signaling between germline and somatic cells, but also between specialized types of somatic cells. In Drosophila, each developing egg chamber is separated from the next by a single file of interfollicular somatic cells. Little is known about the function of the interfollicular stalk, although its presumed role in separating egg chambers is to ensure that patterning cues from one egg chamber do not impact or disrupt the development of adjacent egg chambers. We found that cells comprising the stalk undergo a progressive decrease in number during oogenesis through an apoptotic-dependent loss. The extent of programmed cell death is restricted by JAK/STAT signaling in a cell-autonomous manner to ensure that the stalk is maintained. Both a failure to undergo the normal reduction in stalk cell number, or to prevent excessive stalk cell apoptosis results in a decrease in fecundity. Thus, activation of JAK/STAT signaling in the Drosophila interfollicular stalk emerges as a model to study the tight regulation of signaling-dependent apoptosis.
Apoptosis,JAK/STAT,Interfollicular stalk,Polar cells,Upd,Drosophila oogenesis
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