A Metagenome-Wide Association Study and Arrayed Mutant Library Confirm Lipopolysaccharide Genes Are Necessary for Association with .


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A metagenome wide association (MGWA) study of bacterial host association determinants in Drosophila predicted that LPS biosynthesis genes are significantly associated with host colonization. We were unable to create site-directed mutants for each of the predicted genes in Acetobacter, so we created an arrayed transposon insertion library using Acetobacter fabarum DsW_054 isolated from Drosophila. Creation of the A. fabarum DsW_054 gene knock-out library was performed by combinatorial mapping and Illumina sequencing of random transposon insertion mutants. Transposon insertion locations for 6,418 mutants were successfully mapped, including hits within 63% of annotated genes in the A. fabarum DsW_054 genome. For 45/45 members of the library, insertion sites were verified by arbitrary PCR and Sanger sequencing. Mutants with insertions in four different LPS biosynthesis genes were selected from the library to validate the MGWA predictions. Insertion mutations in two genes biosynthetically upstream of Lipid-A formation, lpxC and lpxB, show significant differences in host association, whereas mutations in two genes encoding LPS biosynthesis functions downstream of Lipid-A biosynthesis had no effect. These results suggest an impact of bacterial cell surface molecules on the bacterial capacity for host association. Also, the transposon insertion mutant library will be a useful resource for ongoing research on the genetic basis for Acetobacter traits.
Acetobacter,Drosophila,lipopolysaccharide,Lipid A,mutant library,Mutant Screen Report
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