Are Software Dependency Supply Chain Metrics Useful in Predicting Change of Popularity of NPM Packages?


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Background: As software development becomes more interdependent, unique relationships among software packages arise and form complex software ecosystems. Aim: We aim to understand the behavior of these ecosystems better through the lens of software supply chains and model how the effects of software dependency network affect the change in downloads of Javascript packages. Method: We analyzed 12,999 popular packages in NPM, between 01-December-2017 and 15-March-2018, using Linear Regression and Random Forest models and examined the effects of predictors representing different aspects of the software dependency supply chain on changes in numbers of downloads for a package. Result: Preliminary results suggest that the count and downloads of upstream and downstream runtime dependencies have a strong effect on the change in downloads, with packages having fewer, more popular packages as dependencies (upstream or downstream) likely to see an increase in downloads. This suggests that in order to interpret the number of downloads for a package properly, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the supply chain (both upstream and downstream) of that package. Conclusion: Future work is needed to identify the effects of added, deleted, and unchanged dependencies for different types of packages, e.g. build tools, test tools.
Software Supply Chain, Open Source, Software Popularity, NPM Packages, Software Dependency
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