Measuring the Effects of a Cognitive Aid in Deep Space Network Operations.

Edward Barraza,Alexandra Holloway, Krys Blackwood, Michael J. Gutensohn,Kim-Phuong L. Vu


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Cognitive aids have long been used by industries such as aviation, nuclear, and healthcare to support operator performance during nominal and off-nominal events. The aim of these aids is to support decision-making by providing users with critical information and procedures in complex environments. The Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) is exploring the concept of a cognitive aid for future Deep Space Network (DSN) operations to help manage operator workload and increase efficiency. The current study examines the effects of a cognitive aid on expert and novice operators in a simulated DSN environment. We found that task completion times were significantly lower when cognitive aid assistance was available compared to when it was not. Furthermore, results indicate numerical trends that distinguish experts from novices in their system interactions and efficiency. Compared to expert participants, novice operators, on average, had higher acceptance ratings for a DSN cognitive aid, and showed greater agreement in ratings as a group. Lastly, participant feedback identified the need for the development of a reliable, robust, and transparent system.
Cognitive aid, Decision support, Technology acceptance, Expertise, Deep Space Network
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