Leveraging Fine-Grained Wikipedia Categories for Entity Search.

WWW '18: The Web Conference 2018 Lyon France April, 2018(2018)

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Ad-hoc entity search, which is to retrieve a ranked list of relevant entities in response to a query of natural language question, has been widely studied. It has been shown that category matching of entities, especially when matching to fine-grained entity types/categories, is critical to the performance of entity search. However, the potentials of the fine-grained Wikipedia entity categories, has not been well exploited by existing studies. Based on the observation of how people describe entities of a specific type, we propose a headword-and-modifier model to deeply interpret both queries and fine-grained entity types/categories. Probabilistic generative models are designed to effectively estimate the relevance of headwords and modifiers as a pattern-based matching problem, taking the Wikipedia type taxonomy as an important input to address the ad-hoc representations of concepts/entities in queries. Extensive experimental results on three widely-used test sets: INEX-XER 2009, SemSearch-LS and TREC-Entity, show that our method achieves a significant improvement of the entity search performance over the state-of-the-art methods.
Entity search, Category matching, Language model
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