Fast rendering of fabric micro-appearance models under directional and spherical gaussian lights.

ACM Trans. Graph.(2017)

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Rendering fabrics using micro-appearance models---fiber-level microgeometry coupled with a fiber scattering model---can take hours per frame. We present a fast, precomputation-based algorithm for rendering both single and multiple scattering in fabrics with repeating structure illuminated by directional and spherical Gaussian lights. Precomputed light transport (PRT) is well established but challenging to apply directly to cloth. This paper shows how to decompose the problem and pick the right approximations to achieve very high accuracy, with significant performance gains over path tracing. We treat single and multiple scattering separately and approximate local multiple scattering using precomputed transfer functions represented in spherical harmonics. We handle shadowing between fibers with precomputed per-fiber-segment visibility functions, using two different representations to separately deal with low and high frequency spherical Gaussian lights. Our algorithm is designed for GPU performance and high visual quality. Compared to existing PRT methods, it is more accurate. In tens of seconds on a commodity GPU, it renders high-quality supersampled images that take path tracing tens of minutes on a compute cluster.
cloth, precomputed radiance transfer, rendering
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