Monitoring and information on skills development at university: a multiple-case study


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Within the context of assessment, when feedback and feedforward are concerned both the speed of their delivery and their comprehensibility are considered crucial. This paper, set within the framework of an evaluative approach to assessment as learning and empowerment, presents a multiple case study which seeks to evaluate a proposed Skills Development Monitoring System (SISDECOM). This system is based on the specification of assessment processes and the use of technological tools as means to facilitate and systematize the monitoring of skills development by university tutors and students. The study will be carried out in two Spanish universities, involve 300 university students and focus on six different modules from four degree courses. Techniques such as Cross-Case Synthesis (CCS) and LogicModels will be employed to analyze the data to respond to the research questions posed. In short, using technological means such as the Gescompeval and EvalCOMIX web-based programmes integrated within a Moodle environment, the study aims to extend the implementation of the approach of assessment as learning and empowerment.
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