Making Local Algorithms Wait-Free: the Case of Ring Coloring

Theory of Computing Systems(2017)

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When considering distributed computing, reliable message-passing synchronous systems on the one side, and asynchronous failure-prone shared-memory systems on the other side, remain two quite independently studied ends of the reliability/asynchrony spectrum. The concept of locality of a computation is central to the first one, while the concept of wait-freedom is central to the second one. The paper proposes a new DECOUPLED model in an attempt to reconcile these two worlds. It consists of a synchronous and reliable communication graph of n nodes, and on top a set of asynchronous crash-prone processes, each attached to a communication node. To illustrate the DECOUPLED model, the paper presents an asynchronous 3-coloring algorithm for the processes of a ring. From the processes point of view, the algorithm is wait-free. From a locality point of view, each process uses information only from processes at distance O(log ^* n) from it. This local wait-free algorithm is based on an extension of the classical Cole and Vishkin’s vertex coloring algorithm in which the processes are not required to start simultaneously.
Synchronous distributed computing,Cole and Vishkin’s coloring algorithm,Locality of a computation,Message-passing,Process crash failure,Synchronous communication,Vertex coloring problem,Wait-freedom
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