Efficient Lightweight Compression Alongside Fast Scans.

SIGMOD/PODS'15: International Conference on Management of Data Melbourne VIC Australia May, 2015(2015)

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The increasing main-memory capacity has allowed query execution to occur primarily in main memory. Database systems employ compression, not only to fit the data in main memory, but also to address the memory bandwidth bottleneck. Lightweight compression schemes focus on efficiency over compression rate and allow query operators to process the data in compressed form. For instance, dictionary compression keeps the distinct column values in a sorted dictionary and stores the values as index codes with the minimum number of bits. Packing the bits of each code contiguously, namely horizontal bit packing, has been optimized by using SIMD instructions for unpacking and by evaluating predicates in parallel per processor word for selection scans. Interleaving the bits of codes, namely vertical bit packing, provides faster scans, but incurs prohibitive costs for packing and unpacking. Here, we improve packing and unpacking for vertical bit packing using SIMD instructions, achieving more than an order of magnitude speedup. Also, we optimize horizontal bit packing on the latest CPUs and compare all approaches. While no single variant is better in all cases, vertical bit packing offers a good trade-off by combining the fastest scans with comparably fast packing and unpacking.
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