Better Deterministic Online Packet Routing On Grids


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We consider the following fundamental routing problem. An adversary inputs packets arbitrarily at sources, each packet with an arbitrary destination. Traffic is constrained by link capacities and buffer sizes, and packets may be dropped at any time. The goal of the routing algorithm is to maximize throughput, i.e., route as many packets as possible to their destination. Our main result is an O (log n)-competitive deterministic algorithm for an n-node uni-directional line network (i.e., 1-dimensional grid), requiring only that buffers can store at least 5 packets, and that links can deliver at least 5 packets per step. We note that O(log n) is the best ratio known, even for randomized algorithms, even when allowed large buffers and wide links. The best previous deterministic algorithm for this problem with constant-size buffers and constant-capacity links was O(log5 n)-competitive. Our algorithm works like admission-control algorithms in the sense that if a packet is not dropped immediately upon arrival, then it is\accepted" and guaranteed to be delivered. We also show how to extend our algorithm to a polylog-competitive algorithm for any constant-dimension uni-directional grid.
Online Algorithms,Packet Routing,Bounded Buffers,Admission Control,Grid Networks
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