Sigecom Job Market Candidate Profiles 2016

ACM SIGecom Exchanges(2015)

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In the sixteen years since the inception of EC as the flagship conference of the SIGecom community, we have learned a lot about the efficiency (or lack thereof) of markets. We have studied markets for school choice, marriage, supply chains, advertising, etc. We understand the loss in welfare from decentralized versus centralized market mechanisms. We understand that information plays an important role in market efficiency and stability. Profiled herein are thirty candidates for the 2016 junior academic job market with research areas that span the interest of the SIGecom community. Though it may not be a complete list, we hope that it will help alleviate some of the informational inefficiencies in the most important market for the community, its junior faculty job market. A table of contents lists the candidates in alphabetical order with keywords they provided. The candidate profiles are listed with brief biographies, research summaries, and three representative papers. Following the candidate profiles is an index of the candidates by keywords.
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