Validation of a method to convert an image to appear as if acquired using a different digital detector

Proceedings of SPIE(2011)

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A method to convert digital mammograms acquired on one system to appear as if acquired using another system is presented. This method could be used to compare the clinical efficacy of different systems. The signal transfer properties modulation transfer function (MTF) and noise power spectra (NPS) were measured for two detectors - a computed radiography (CR) system and a digital radiography (DR) system. The contributions to the NPS from electronic, quantum and structure sources were calculated by fitting a polynomial at each spatial frequency across the NPS at each dose. The conversion process blurs the original image with the ratio of the MTFs in frequency space. Noise with the correct magnitude and spatial frequency was added to account for differences in the detector response and dose. The method was tested on images of a CDMAM test object acquired on the two systems at two dose levels. The highest dose images were converted to lower dose images for the same detector, then images from the DR system were converted to appear as if acquired at a similar dose using CR. Contrast detail curves using simulated CDMAM images closely matched those of real images.
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