±1100kV DC system impedance analysis under various operating modes and conditions

Advanced Research and Technology in Industry Applications(2014)

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In this paper, the ±1100 kV HVDC system impedance model is analyzed under various disturbances. For various disturbances caused by induced current from AC line in the same route, by AC faults and by converter faults, the positions of voltage simulating sources in the DC loop for impedance analysis are different. Taking the 2688 km ±1100 kV DC power transmission project from Zhundong to Chongqing for example, the impedance-frequency characteristics of DC loop is calculated by PSCAD/EMTDC and illustrated. Influence of the length of DC transmission lines on DC loop resonant frequency is studied as an important factor of system resonance. By simulating under various operating modes and conditions, the impacts of modes and firing angle of the converters on the DC loop impedance-frequency characteristics are studied.
HVDC power transmission,power transmission faults,AC faults,Chongqing,DC loop,DC loop impedance-frequency characteristics,DC loop resonant frequency,DC power transmission project,DC system impedance analysis,HVDC system impedance model,Zhundong,converter faults,distance 2688 km,firing angle,impedance analysis,impedance-frequency characteristics,operating conditions,operating modes,system resonance,voltage -1100 kV,voltage 1100 kV,±1100kV,Conditions,HVDC,Length,Loop Impedance,Low Frequency Resonance,Operating Modes
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