Aerial-guided navigation of a ground robot among movable obstacles

Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics(2014)

引用 64|浏览94
We demonstrate the fully autonomous collaboration of an aerial and a ground robot in a mock-up disaster scenario. Within this collaboration, we make use of the individual capabilities and strengths of both robots. The aerial robot first maps an area of interest, then it computes the fastest mission for the ground robot to reach a spotted victim and deliver a first-aid kit. Such a mission includes driving and removing obstacles in the way while being constantly monitored and commanded by the aerial robot. Our mission-planning algorithm distinguishes between movable and fixed obstacles and considers both the time for driving and removing obstacles. The entire mission is executed without any human interaction once the aerial robot is launched and requires a minimal amount of communication between the robots. We describe both the hardware and software of our system and detail our mission-planning algorithm. We present exhaustive results of both simulation and real experiments. Our system was successfully demonstrated more than 20 times at a trade fair.
aerospace navigation,autonomous aerial vehicles,collision avoidance,disasters,rescue robots,aerial robot,aerial-guided navigation,driving obstacles,fixed obstacles,fully autonomous collaboration,ground robot,mission-planning algorithm,mock-up disaster scenario,movable obstacles,removing obstacles,system hardware,system software
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