Using Distributed Analytics to Enable Real-Time Exploration of Discrete Event Simulations

UCC '14: Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE/ACM 7th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing(2014)

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Discrete event simulations (DES) provide a powerful means for modeling complex systems and analyzing their behavior. DES capture all possible interactions between the entities they manage, which makes them highly expressive but also compute-intensive. These computational requirements often impose limitations on the breadth and/or depth of research that can be conducted with a discrete event simulation. This work describes our approach for leveraging the vast quantity of computing and storage resources available in both private organizations and public clouds to enable real-time exploration of a discrete event simulation. Rather than considering the execution speed of a single simulation run, we autonomously generate novel scenario variants to explore an entire subset of the simulation parameter space. These workloads are orchestrated in a distributed fashion across a wide range of commodity hardware. The resulting outputs are analyzed to produce models that accurately forecast simulation outcomes in real time, providing interactive feedback and bolstering research possibilities.
Discrete Event Simulation, Latin Hypercube Sampling, Distributed Execution, Cloud Infrastructure
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