Finding the limit: examining the potential and complexity of compilation scheduling for JIT-based runtime systems


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This work aims to find out the full potential of compilation scheduling for JIT-based runtime systems. Compilation scheduling determines the order in which the compilation units (e.g., functions) in a program are to be compiled or recompiled. It decides when what versions of the units are ready to run, and hence affects performance. But it has been a largely overlooked direction in JIT-related research, with some fundamental questions left open: How significant compilation scheduling is for performance, how good the scheduling schemes employed by existing runtime systems are, and whether a great potential exists for improvement. This study proves the strong NP-completeness of the problem, proposes a heuristic algorithm that yields near optimal schedules, examines the potential of two current scheduling schemes empirically, and explores the relations with JIT designs. It provides the first principled understanding to the complexity and potential of compilation scheduling, shedding some insights for JIT-based runtime system improvement.
jit-based runtime system,full potential,jit-based runtime system improvement,scheduling scheme,great potential,compilation scheduling,significant compilation scheduling,current scheduling schemes empirically,runtime system,compilation unit,jit,np completeness,heuristic algorithm
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