Breaking Out of Local Optima with Count Transforms and Model Recombination: A Study in Grammar Induction.

Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing(2013)

引用 57|浏览407
Many statistical learning problems in NLP call for local model search methods. But accuracy tends to suffer with current techniques, which often explore either too narrowly or too broadly: hill-climbers can get stuck in local optima, whereas samplers may be inefficient. We propose to arrange individual local optimizers into organized networks. Our building blocks are operators of two types: (i) transform, which suggests new places to search, via non-random restarts from already-found local optima; and (ii) join, which merges candidate solutions to find better optima. Experiments on grammar induction show that pursuing different transforms (e.g., discarding parts of a learned model or ignoring portions of training data) results in improvements. Groups of locally-optimal solutions can be further perturbed jointly, by constructing mixtures. Using these tools, we designed several modular dependency grammar induction networks of increasing complexity. Our complete system achieves 48.6% accuracy (directed dependency macro-average over all 19 languages in the 2006/7 CoNLL data) — more than 5% higher than the previous state-of-the-art.
grammar induction,model recombination,local optima
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