MATEX: A Distributed Framework for Transient Simulation of Power Distribution Networks


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We proposed MATEX, a distributed framework for transient simulation of power distribution networks (PDNs). MATEX utilizes matrix exponential kernel with Krylov subspace approximations to solve differential equations of linear circuit. First, the whole simulation task is divided into subtasks based on decompositions of current sources, in order to reduce the computational overheads. Then these subtasks are distributed to different computing nodes and processed in parallel. Within each node, after the matrix factorization at the beginning of simulation, the adaptive time stepping solver is performed without extra matrix re-factorizations. MATEX overcomes the stiffness hinder of previous matrix exponential-based circuit simulator by rational Krylov subspace method, which leads to larger step sizes with smaller dimensions of Krylov subspace bases and highly accelerates the whole computation. MATEX outperforms both traditional fixed and adaptive time stepping methods, e.g., achieving around 13X over the trapezoidal framework with fixed time step for the IBM power grid benchmarks.
parallel processing,algorithms,design,krylov subspace approximations,rational krylov subspace method,ibm power grid benchmarks,power system transients,approximation theory,adaptive time stepping solver,power distribution networks,matex,verification,constant current sources,current source decomposition,design aids,matrix exponential kernel,distributed framework,matrix decomposition,matrix factorization,theory,matrix exponential,distributed computing,matrix exponential-based circuit simulator,pdn,transient simulation,differential equations,krylov subspace,distribution networks,performance,computational overheads,linear circuit,power grid,circuit simulation
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