Scalanytics: a declarative multi-core platform for scalable composable traffic analytics


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ABSTRACTThis paper presents SCALANYTICS, a declarative platform that supports high-performance application layer analysis of network traffic. SCALANYTICS uses (1) stateful network packet processing techniques for extracting application-layer data from network packets, (2) a declarative rule-based language called ANALOG for compactly specifying analysis pipelines from reusable modules, and (3) a task-stealing architecture for processing network packets at high throughput within these pipelines, by leveraging multi-core processing capabilities in a load-balanced manner without the need for explicit performance profiling. We have developed a prototype of SCALANYTICS that enhances a declarative networking engine with support for ANALOG and various stateful components, integrated with a parallel task-stealing execution model. We evaluate our SCALANYTICS prototype on a wide range of pipelines for analyzing SMTP and SIP traffic, and for detecting malicious traffic flows. Our evaluation on a 16-core machine demonstrate that SCALANYTICS achieves up to 11.4× improvement in throughput compared with the best uniprocessor implementation. Moreover, SCALANYTICS outperforms the Bro intrusion detection system by an order of magnitude when used for analyzing SMTP traffic.
processing network packet,declarative multi-core platform,malicious traffic flow,stateful network packet processing,network packet,declarative networking engine,declarative platform,network traffic,scalanytics prototype,scalable composable traffic analytics,smtp traffic,sip traffic,data intensive computing
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