In the Mood4: recommendation by examples

EDBT '13: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Extending Database Technology(2013)

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Traditional recommender systems generate personalized recommendations based on a profile that they create for each user. We argue here that such profiles are often too coarse to capture the current user's state of mind and desire. For example, a serious user that usually prefers documentary features may, at the end of a long and tiring conference, be in the mood for a lighter entertaining movie, not captured by her usual profile. As communicating one's state of mind to a system in (key)words may be difficult, we present in this demo Mood4 - a novel plug-in for recommender systems, which allows users to describe their current desire/mood through examples. Mood4 utilizes the user's examples to refine the recommendations generated by a given recommender system, considering several, possibly competing, desired properties of the recommended items set (rating, diversity, coverage). The system uses a novel algorithm, based on a simple geometric representation of the items, which allows for efficient processing and the generation of suitable recommendations even in the absence of semantic information.
novel algorithm,documentary feature,recommender system,usual profile,demo mood4,traditional recommender system,serious user,current user,current desire,mood4 utilizes
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