Spectra: robust estimation of distribution functions in networks

DAIS'12 Proceedings of the 12th IFIP WG 6.1 international conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems(2012)

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The distributed aggregation of simple aggregates such as minima/maxima, counts, sums and averages have been studied in the past and are important tools for distributed algorithms and network coordination. Nonetheless, this kind of aggregates may not be comprehensive enough to characterize biased data distributions or when in presence of outliers, making the case for richer estimates. This work presents Spectra, a distributed algorithm for the estimation of distribution functions over large scale networks. The estimate is available at all nodes and the technique depicts important properties: robustness when exposed to high levels of message loss, fast convergence speed and fine precision in the estimate. It can also dynamically cope with changes of the sampled local property and with churn, without requiring restarts. The proposed approach is experimentally evaluated and contrasted to a competing state of the art distribution aggregation technique.
convergence speed,richer estimate,important property,art distribution aggregation technique,fine precision,distribution function,robust estimation,data distribution,high level,competing state,important tool
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