ARO: A new model-free optimization algorithm inspired from asexual reproduction

Applied Soft Computing(2010)

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This paper proposes a new individual based optimization algorithm, which is inspired from asexual reproduction known as a remarkable biological phenomenon, called as Asexual Reproduction Optimization (ARO). ARO can be essentially considered as an evolutionary based algorithm that mathematically models the budding mechanism of asexual reproduction. In ARO, each individual produces an offspring called bud through a reproduction mechanism; thereafter parent and its offspring compete according to a performance index obtained from the underlying objective function of the given optimization problem. This process leads to the fitter individual. ARO's adaptive search ability and its strong and weak points are described in this paper. Furthermore, the ARO convergence to the global optimum is mathematically analyzed. To approve the effectiveness of the ARO performance, it is tested with several benchmark functions frequently used in the area of optimization. Finally, the ARO performance is statistically compared with that of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). Results of simulation illustrate that ARO remarkably outperforms PSO.
new individual,optimization algorithm,asexual reproduction,new model-free optimization algorithm,aro convergence,performance index,asexual reproduction optimization,evolutionary computations,particle swarm optimization,fitter individual,bio-inspired algorithms,optimization problem,model-free optimization,aro performance,reproduction mechanism,mathematical model,evolutionary computing,objective function
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